
If you are a clinician or administrator wishing to register your organisation for team use of Pulvertaft Hand Rehab, please contact us.

Password must be between 9 and 15 characters, including numbers, uppercase, lowercase, and special symbols. i.e: Ab&123456

The exercises within this catalogue are only to be used as part of a prescribed rehabilitation programme, provided to you by a qualified clinician.
Please accept to confirm you understand this information and have sought advice from a qualified clinician before proceeding.

The Pulvertaft Hand Centre has a designated research team working within it. This research helps to ensure that we continue to be renowned as a centre of excellence. Staff in the Pulvertaft Hand Unit are keen to ensure that we are able to evaluate and measure the treatments and interventions that we provide. As a result we may email you to gain your feedback on how you have found the website and to reassess your levels of function. We would be grateful for you taking the time to respond to these as this feedback helps us to ensure that we are doing the best that we can.
Please note: you will be prescribed a hand therapy programme by your treating clinician who may not be affiliated with the Pulvertaft Centre.